Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today Smelled Like Old Bacon

At one point in your life you will meet someone who is vivacious, bright, witty, and beautiful. This, is not that time. My name is Tasha. I am clumsy, sarcastic and I hate getting out of my bed in the morning. I make no claims for this being a particularly interesting or enthralling tale of my current life - mostly because my life is neither interesting nor enthralling. Part of the problem is that I'm a history major. I like dead people better than most living people. They're easier to get along with for one thing.

I'm honestly no sure what to do with a blog. Most blogs I've read are authored either by eclectic authors or mothers who have something fun to say about their kids. Since I'm not an author and I am also not a mother (although I do have a beagle who thinks she is a baby), I guess I will just tell you about my day.

My day started with the sound of an oven beeper - which of course meant that I was finished. I hate my alarm clock. After rolling out of bed and onto the floor (a common occurrence), I stumbled down to eat breakfast. Frosted Flakes aren't entirely appealing when you're fully lucid, which is why I believe they are marketed as a breakfast cereal - at 7:00 am no one really cares what they are ingesting. After slurping down my cereal, I got ready for school and exited my home to be greeted by none other than Jack Frost. If I could see him I would punch him in the face. As it was, I just shouted something mean at him. When I got to school, I sat down, hoping to go through my day as an inconspicuous person in a classroom. It was sadly not to be. Someone sat down next to me. He smelled like bacon. Old bacon. I think my face went a little green. I don't remember much about my first class. I think the fumes overwhelmed by power to think. I do remember stumbling out of class and down the hall, outside to my next class. I gasped for clean air. Instead I inhaled smog. After chewing my air, I went inside for another class. The rest of the day was pretty much the same - I even think it smelled like old bacon for most of the day.

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